Putting an end to speculation about a possible alliance with the SAD, BJP state unit chief Sunil Jakhar said “The BJP is going to contest the Lok Sabha elections alone in Punjab.”
Sunil said this decision was taken by the BJP following feedback from people and party workers.
“The works done by the BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi are not hidden from anyone,” Jakhar said.
The BJP leader also added that in the last 10 years, produce of farmers was procured at minimum support price.
Polling for the 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab will be held on June 1, the last phase of the seven-phase elections.
SAD allied with the BJP as part of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) at the national level. The two contested together during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in the state, but were unable to achieve desired results.
The Congress bagged eight parliamentary seats in the state, bucking the pro-Modi trend seen across the northern and central India in 2019. The remaining five were won by the BJP, SAD and the Aam Aadmi Party.
SAD had culled its ties with the BJP in September 2020 over the now repealed farm laws which saw widespread protests across the country.
( with input from agency)
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